Congratulations on joining college! I can tell you feel pleased and so proud of yourself, this has always been a dream, and it has finally come true. How are you going to adjust? How will you balance the workload and the challenges that come with it? At HelpForHomework, we provide you top essential study skills for college students.

One of the most significant adjustments for new college students is newfound freedom. College students have increased personal responsibility and a lot less external structure. There are no set study times, required meal times, no one to tell them when to sleep or get them up. With the increase of academic workload, you need superb multitasking skills.  To improve your skills, we developed the following skills sets for you to develop your internal structure and be successful in college:

1. Time Management

Being a college student is like having a full-time job. Every student has to create several hours of studying and preparation for each class. How do you manage your time? Below are pointers that help you use your time accordingly:

  •  Make a weekly or daily to-do list
  • Use a calendar or planner
  • Get up early to get stuff done
  • Reward yourself when tasks are complete
  • Schedule your “me” time (so it doesn’t eat up study time)
  • Read the syllabus and make plans from it
  • Prioritize and schedule what you need to do – be realistic!
  • Set aside study/classwork hours each day

Having time management skills makes your college life easy and manageable. By managing time, students complete tasks efficiently and promptly.

2. Effective reading

Developing good study skills is essential for a student. Going to class and listening to a lecturer is not enough.  Students must have reading techniques to fully grasp the contents and pass their examinations. You can do the following:

  • Read more than once
  • Highlight and take notes
  • don’t put off reading assignments until the last minute!
  • Review after reading

3. Well-Developed Self Care Skills

Take good care of your body. Adequate sleep and a healthy diet can improve mood, athletic and classroom performance, and coping strategies for stress. Further, exercise, relaxation, and good hygiene are also important aspects of self-care.

Keep Safe and avoid risky behavior; this means learning to advocate for your well-being. It means making intelligent and low-risk choices.

4. Test preparations

Most students in college do not prepare for tests which leads to them failing and having to redo the exams. You are probably asking yourself, how do I prepare myself to ace the exams? Follow these few guides, and you pass your exams:

  • Make flashcards- flashcards makes memorizing and understanding concepts easier
  • Rewrite/re-read your notes; reorganize into categories
  • Get help if you need it: do not be afraid to ask questions for clarification
  • Don’t cram!
  • Be caught up on all work for the test
  • Identify your problem areas and give them more attention

5. Groups and teamwork

How your college life turns out depends on the type of people you associate with. Join the right groups, find the best groups that suit you. Do what you love with the right people beside you. Use the same groups to form study groups that further help your academics. Participate in building each other and helping one another succeed. Doing these goes a long way in helping your academic and social life. Everyone needs help and friends.

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